We (I and my family) watched the movie Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1!

fantastic! haha! In fairness, I love it.. ;D the ending was nice, it didn't give a hanging ending (oh, what a term.. xD ).. LOOKING FORWARD FOR PART TWOOOO!!! ♥
November 24
YES!! it's Tabidachi Graffiti's release!! :P
I'll just put my reactions or insights here.. :P
1.) Tabidachi Graffiti
This is a nice and sweet song from flow!! ♥ i love it!! yaahooo!!! the violins we're great.. i just can't hear some patterns clearly so i can't identify the note.. :( but overall, it will be my fave song next to taiyou no uta.. :) in short, top 2.. ;D
2.) ID
Oh yeah.. this song.. it fits to be an opening song for an anime. haha! actually, I also added it to my favorites list.. This song is nice to be a theme song of an anime.. two thumbs up to flow!! b^^d
actually, I'm going to make a story for this two songs.. :D
unfortunately, I didn't buy the single because I dun have money.. xDD
also, my aunt (i call her "tita Sally" /tita means aunt/) we went to a restaurant (gourmet i think..) named "Wooden House" which is a steak house.. Well, we're not rich to eat there.. just my aunts, etc. xD the venue was so far, relaxing.. The singer/guitarist there was so energetic and jolly! haha! My aunts and my mom also sing with him, LOL!! >:)
and yes, I was laughing about this one.. :P

~hala, nagutom na.. xD ITADAKIMASUUU!!! :D
November 26
I was looking at the pre-school student's art works.. (unfortunately, I lost the pictures.. DDDDx tsk!! I can't really see it anywhere.. :| )
It makes me remember my childhood memories.. xDD The time I misspelled my name and the time that I mispronounced words which they were teasing me nao.. xDD
Gutom (hungry) as Gutong
Busog (full /after eating/) as Gusog
Tissue as Teeshoot
Electric fan as Etektekpan
Okaaayyy.. Starting to catch a cold.. -__- yup, just because of continues goin’ out of the house after school. Haha! But, It’s just fine.. I had so much fun. It’s worth going to. J We went also to Monalisa gourmet restaurant (I don’t enjoy gourmet restaurants really.. xD I just eat there because I follow them.. LOL!) to eat there and stopped over to seven eleven convenient store to have more bonding moments there coz again, it’s the last day of my aunt Sally to stay here in the Phils. (though I almost knocked out at the car and outside the store while entering.. LOL! )
November 27
This day is another day of happiness coz I just bought my new violin!! :D I luv it so much! Haha! I bought it from Lyric Music store.. ♥
(sorry, I don't have good camera.. LOL!!)
also, that was the first time that i called someone overseas.. (Saran Srimee!!) haha!! well, nag sun ako para mas mura.. pati na rin pag text ko sa kanya and for Latifa Rahim.. :) ♥
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