heeelooo!!! xD lolz!! around 2 weeks have passed.. haha! by the way, a birthday gift to me from my friends.. ^^

...while i was covering my books, the "alien" (ohh well, i named the doll, "Keigo" haha!!) was beside me.. then i saw my notebooks scattered like that.. and that kind of idea came into my mind.. xD my first artistic (uhh... for me.. but not that too artistic.. i'm a loser) photo.. :P
first day of classes... as usual, shy type.. :| i really can't fight my shyness.. :( haha! :P to the highest level.. though i'm an old student... wooohhh!! our english teacher is really great, ehh... haha!! her english is so ka-nosebleed... with matching (i dunno) accent.. lolz!! she's really organize with what she will teach each day.. our math teacher?? the best!! if you compare my past math teacher to the present, *thumbs down to my past math teacher*... nah!! i can't understand any... in tagalog.. "paikot ikot" ung explanations.. naaaaahhhh!!! :P at last!! every after math lessons, i learned something.. :P i remember the days.. i rely on my tutor to discuss the lesson well.. xD
ohh.. well... i almost forgot... we watched "here comes the bride" when me and my friends the day before my birthday.. :P
ahh.. by the way, i wrote 2 love stories..
mah inspiration : kohshi asakawa.. lolz!! :P dunno why.. >:)
anyways.. its just a simple love story.. with just a lil twist... (A LITTLE!!!!) xD i'm not good in writing.. haha!! i'll post it maybe next week.. haha! busy for my power point presentation for TLE.. :D
that's all for now.. later, my microcosm reviews.. :D
(lolz!! i listened to microcosm album before getting my copy.. tsk.. silly hoshii.. huwahaha!!)